Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fulp's Flashy Fish Research Weather

Mrs. Fulp's second grade students recently researched different weather phenomenon using multiple sources.  The students then created Power Point slide shows utilizing the information they learned. The students started with a blank Power Point show and had to decide how to categorize their information so they could present it in a manner that made sense.  This is a difficult task and elevates this lesson on the Blooms Taxonomy Higher Order Thinking Skills to synthesis because the students had to gather knowledge, understand it, and then create a product.

Her students learned about Power Point in addition to weather phenomenon.  The students learned that each slide contains one main idea. The students also learned to insert clip art that was relevant and would enhance their slides. The students are able to share their presentations with their classmates using the new projectors in their classroom. The students are so proud of their work!

Please enjoy a few examples of their work. These are authentic slides and may contain a few "creative" spelling mistakes.  Students were not penalized for spelling words that were not word wall words for second grade.

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