Thursday, November 29, 2012


Prezi is an online presentation tool that our 5th grade Language Arts TAG 
students are using to share the information they found when researching the Constitution.
They were able to choose their research topic from the following choices:
liberty, justice, freedom or equality.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Computers are used in the FAC and FCC rooms to differentiate instruction for students.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Brain Poppin' in Kindergarten

Students in Mrs. Rodgers' class used Brain Pop Jr. to learn about magnets.

When it was quiz time, students used the Turning Points polling system to answer the questions.
Mrs. Rodgers was able to see when everyone had responded...looks like there's only one left.

The response graph told her which answer the majority of the class picked.
She can also tell if there were other answers chosen.

Now to answer the question based on student responses.

Pretty cool way to learn about science...way to go Kinder!!!!