Thursday, March 3, 2011

Shogan's Salamanders are in the Movies!

Mrs. Shogan's class recently researched various aspects of space.  The students conducted research about a variety of topics and then wrote original plays to present the information to others, including many first grade classrooms. The students worked very hard writing and editing their plays, as well as creating costumes to make sure they taught the younger students important science concepts. The Salamanders then recorded their plays using the school's broadcast equipment.  The students, as well as Mrs. Shogan and myself, are very proud of their plays. We hope you enjoy them also!


  1. Wonderful acting! Bravo!

  2. The Salamanders are STARS! Great job, everyone! I am a BIG fan of my son, the SUN! "Rise & Shine, everybody!" I'm so proud of you all.

    - Mrs. Slape
