Thursday, March 24, 2011

Kelso's "Kritters" Participate in Email Discussions!

Mrs. Kelso's students are studying media literacy.  They have learned that email is an effective way of communicating with others.  They learned that all emails should have a clear purpose, as well as an introduction, body, and conclusion or signature line.  As a class, they composed an email and sent it to their parents, informing the parents about what they were learning!  Already, her students have received several replies from parents discussing how they use email in their daily lives.  We are very proud of our electronic authors!

Here is the email that her class composed:

Dear Parents,
We have been learning about media. We have learned that media is the internet, commercials, signs, TV shows, ads on boxes (like cereal boxes), magazines, emails, books... We have also learned that media can persuade us, entertain us, and give us information.
Today we learned about emails and how they help us communicate with each other. The class is helping me write this email so that you will be informed about what we're learning.
Have a great day!
Mrs. Kelso's Critters

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